AP Govt.Jobs - Jobs in AP Town Planning Department - Namaste Kadapa

ADVERTISEMENT for positions on contract basis for the GIS-based Master Plan for Bhimavaram and Eluru Project, a DTCP Funded Project, Govt. of AP

Applications are invited for the following positions on contract basis for the GIS-based Master Plan for Bhimavaram and Eluru Project, a DTCP Funded Project, Govt. of AP recruit GIS Experts(2 Nos), Research Associates (2 Nos.), Research Assistants (2Nos.) (all for 6 months) for the preparation of GIS-based Master Plan for Bhimavaram and Eluru Project-reg.

GIS Expert:
GIS Expert M.Plan (with expertise in GIS/ERDAS software and analysis) with prior working experience on some master-plan related Urban Planning Project. Experience and knowledge in working on GIS-software/ERDAS enabled mapping, Geo-informatics related work.
Monthly Remuneration: Rs.30,000/- (Consolidated)
No of post required: 2
Job responsibilities:
Helping in preparation of GISbased Master Plan, working on GISsoftware enabled mapping, Geoinformatics related work. Perform any other related duty as required for the preparation of master plans.

Research Associates- (Temporary and Purely contractual basis)
M.Plan (with expertise in GIS software and analysis) with prior working experience on some master-plan related Urban Planning Project.E Desirable: B.Arch/B.Plan/B.Tech as basic
Monthl y Remun eration: Rs.30,000/- (Consol idated)
No of post required: 2
Job responsibilities: Helping in preparation of GISbased Master Plan, working on GISsoftware enabled degree would be preferred mapping, Work on Fieldwork, and other Master-Plan related works. •Perform any other related duty as required for the preparation of master plans.

Research Assistants - (Temporary and Purely contractual basis)
B.Plan prior working experience on some master-plan related Urban Planning Project.
Monthl y Remun eration: Rs.20,000/- (Consol idated)
No of post required: 2
Job responsibilities: Helping in preparation of GISbased Master Plan, working on GISsoftware enabled mapping, Geoinformatics related work, Work on Fieldwork, and other Master-Plan related works and other for preparation of master plans.

PS. Kindly note that any candidate, who otherwise fulfills minimum eligibility criterion, can be rejected by CA without assigning any reason whatsoever, as nature of work is purely contractual.



Application can be downloaded from www.spav.ac.in. Completed application may be sent to recruitmentdtcp@spav.ac.in on or before 14.08.2020 for each post separately if applying for one or more posts. Scanned documents/ testimonials and proof of experience should be attached with the application for verification. Shortlisted candidates shall be informed and called for online interview through Google meet/Skype etc.


Click the link for detailed notification for detailed notification https://www.spav.ac.in/2020/pdf/recadvert.pdf