First C Program:

void main()
printf("This is my first C Program");



 Let's Breakdown the program,

#include<stdio.h> & #include<conio.h>   are known as Pre-Processive Directories.
void main() - Here the main function starts.
clrscr(); - This function clears the output console, if any previous programs are executed
printf - This statement is used for printing the given string
getch(); - A function used to display the string

C program Hello World | TestingDocsExplanation:

  • Header files are stored predefined functions used in C Programming.
  • Pre Processive directories will link these stored files with the program
  •  The start point of any C program is the Void main() function.
  • The function clrscr() is from conio.h
  • The function printf is from stdio.h is used to display any string on the output screen.
  • The getch is from conio.h and it is used to pause the output screen for a while.

Using Turbo Editor:

  • The Borland has developed the Turbo C++ Editor for writing both C and C++ programs and testing them.
  • Download link: Download Turbo C++